Rubidis Baner


Glasses for colorblinds from Polish producer

Color blindness

Color blindness affects about 5% of the populationmany times more common in men than in women. The disease is genetically inherited, but recent research has shown that it can also be acquired during life.

The most common variation of color blindness is deuteranomaly, characterized by a reduced ability to perceptuate the saturation of green color (Latin. viridis),which often confuses it with red (Latin. ruber). Although until recently, it seemed impossible to correct such a visual impairment, glasses for colorblinds appeared on the market at very affordable price. Although until recently, it seemed impossible to correct such a visual impairment, glasses for colorblinds appeared on the market at very affordable price.

Color blindness

Research shows that 2% women
n and 8% men are colorblinds.

Rubidis Glasses – technology

Knowing the biological basis of color blindness, through which the colors of red, orange and yellow are shifted in saturation towards greenness, we have developed a filter that reduces these anomalies By stopping or weakening certain ranges of light waves, we were able to restore color saturation to the appropriate spectrum for them. This effect is given by Rubidis glasses – modern glasses for colorblinds.

Color blindness

Day-to-day adjustment glasses

Color blindness

How do Rubidiscolorblind glasses affect perception of the world? By restoring color saturation to the right spectrum, you can see what you haven’t seen before. Colors are more bright, and the difficulty in recognizing them should be significantly reduced. If you are looking for a solution that will reduce colorblindness glasses with special lenses are for you.

Fashionable, timeless design and astonishing comfort of use, will make your world take on additional colors.

Everything you need to know about Rubidis glasses…

Will the glasses cure me of color blindness?

Rubidisglasses, like corrective glasses, do not treat visual defects, but only allow you to see the image in the right way. In addition, the models we offer are extremely comfortable – all thanks to the lightweight plastic and steel holder. We use advanced technological solutions You can choose from unisex, women’s and men’s models with different filter power, as well as open or full frame. Many of them are suitable for sports, including cycling and running.

Will Rubidisglasses make me see the world in the right colors?

Our glasses have a filter that does not pass some light wavelengths. Thanks to this, some colors may seem more saturated and bright (e.g. blue, green, pink), while others may lose out on satiation (red). This makes it easier for you to distinguish between colors that you have had a problem distinguishing between.

Are Rubidisglasses suitable for all colorblinds?

Color blindness has several variations. Our glasses are designed to correct deuteranomaly – the most common disease. In most cases, the glasses make it easier to distinguish colors: red from green, blue from purple and purple from pink. After all, if you find that they do not give you a satisfying effect, within 14 days you can return the glasses. The price of individual models varies depending on the type of holder or lenses – the most expensive ones are mirrored.

Can I return glasses if I don't like it?

When you purchase glasses online, you have the right to return the purchased and not to be used within 14 calendar days of receiving the shipment. You only bear the cost of sending them back to us.


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If you have any questions or concerns
call: 505 44 46 46 or write to us.

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